The consumptions are given by a TV, a small high efficiency fridge, and 3 led lights. Here is a simple example of a small off-grid system installed in an isolated cabin which is situated in the hills in the north of Italy (that is used during summer time): An example for a small off-grid system in a cabin When there is not a backup system from other sources, you cannot take the risk that users remain without power: what’s important, is to find a technician who is experienced on sizing. The configuration and the project of an off-grid system demands a detailed analysis of the input variables in the system (average irradiation, equivalent hours of light, orientation, inclination, shading) and of the output variables (withdrawal of consumer loads, time of use, autonomy).

With the components’ costs reduction and the dissemination of lithium technology, the off-grid systems are always more interesting and competitive compared to systems that involve the use of fossil fuels.

Apart from the photovoltaic modules, batteries, inverters and charge controllers are the main components for an off-grid system. There are different type and dimensions of off-grid systems which can range from the simple point light to the telecommunication station, or to the plant to feed an entire village in remote areas. Off-grid systems are installations not connected to the electricity grid: all the energy produced is stored and used on site.